Joseph , the second son of John and Anna of Vithayathil family was born on 23 July 1865 at Puthenpally
Young Joseph had one year’s religious training under the vicar Rev. Fr. Scaria Naganoolil.
Seminary life (1881-1894)
1894 March 11: ordained priest
1894 March 26: First Holy Mass
1894 April 23: First appointment as assistant Vicar
He woke up at early dawn and directed his steps towards the chapel with a lantern in his hand and spent long hours on his knees in front of the Eucharistic Lord. He was a loving ‘Pithavu’ to all people of society irrespective of caste or creed. Realizing that the formation of persons is inevitable to the growth and welfare of society he took care to open many schools
As Mariam Thresia’s spiritual guide
Fr. Joseph Vithayathil played a unique role in the life of Blessed Mariam Thresia. He was convinced of God’s mysterious plan in this humble rustic woman and suffered a lot for helping our mother in times of struggle.
Fr. Joseph Vithayathil was called to heaven on 8 June 1964 in his 100th year, the same date on which Blessed Mariam Thresia, his spiritual daughter died.
Chronological Chart |
| 1865 July 23 | Birth of the Servant of God Fr. Joseph Vithayathil | 1894 March 11 | He was ordained priest at St. Antony’s Church, Ollur by Bp. Adolf Medleycott | 1894 March 26 | Celebrated the first Holy Mass at St. Antony’s Church, Ollur. | 1902 April 30 | Appointed Vicar of Puthenchira. | 1902 May 30 | Mother Mariam Thresia chose him as her spiritual director. | 1914 May 14 | Canonical erection of the Congregation of the Holy Family. Appointment of Fr. Joseph Vithayathil as Chaplain of the congregation. | 1915 May 30 | Consecration of the new church of Puthenchira. | 1919 | His Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee. | 1922 January 15 | He was relieved from Puthenchira church and came to Kuzhikkattussery as the Chaplain of the convent and lived in the bungalow at Kuzhikkattussery. | 1944 May 16 | His Sacerdotal Golden Jubilee. | 1964 April 12-15 | His birth-centenary was celebrated at Kuzhikkattussery and celebration of the Golden Jubilee of the Congregation of the Holy Family. | 1964 June 8 | Death of the Servant of God Fr. Joseph Vithayathil. | 1964 June 9 | Funeral and burial at Kuzhikkattussery. | 1988 | General Synaxis proclaimed him as the Co-founder of the Congregation of the Holy Family. | 2003 September 4 | Institution of the Historical Commission. | 2004 May 18 | Proclamation as the Servant of God. | 2004 September 1 | Institution of the Tribunal. | 2005 September 6 | Exhumation, identification and replacement of the mortal remains of the Servant of God. | | |
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